One Most Important Thing About You

November 29th, 2018, Bir, India Day 2 of 2018 Zen and Mindfulness Retreat at Deer Park Institute When you lose touch with this one crucial thing about you, suffering is inevitable. You mistake who you are, and get caught up in life’s misery—birth, old age, sickness, and death. Also, key teachings of Buddhism, expressed inContinue reading “One Most Important Thing About You”

A realistic strategy for mindfulness

November 28th, 2018, Bir, India Day 1 of 2018 Zen and Mindfulness Retreat at Deer Park Institute Have you ever been fascinated by mindfulness? Have you ever tried it but found it difficult to remain in that state and wondered why? If your answer is yes, this is the talk for you. Because you knowContinue reading “A realistic strategy for mindfulness”

After the Retreat

12/9/13  Deer Park, Himachal Pradesh,  India From this talk:  “Little by little you enter into the dimension of the Blue Sky. Then, standing in the Blue Sky, you finally can deal with the white clouds. Your thought, your emotion. Everything.” Topics covered include: Thinking addiction, dysfunctional relationships, clouds of anxiety and attraction, and the viewContinue reading “After the Retreat”
