Beyond Thinking Mind

12/07/12   Bir, Himachal Pradesh, India

From this talk: “Suffering is self-created. That’s it. You made it. You created the suffering…but I’m not blaming you. I’m giving you hope.”

Topics covered include the first noble truth, criticizing mind, identifying as thinking mind, and who watches the breath. With a question and answer period at the end, including discussion about morality and saying “yes,” and saying “yes” in the face of social problems.

Please feel free to discuss this week’s podcast below.

The Cessation of Hatred

12/06/12   Bir, Himachal Pradesh, India

He abused me, he beat me, he defeated me, he robbed me. In those who harbor such thoughts, hatred will never cease. He abused me, he beat me, he defeated me, he robbed me. In those who do not harbor such thoughts, hatred will cease. For hatred does not cease by hatred at any time. Hatred ceases by love. This is an old rule – from the Dhammapada

Topics covered include the freedom not to judge, the structure of negative emotions, the problem of “no” and “yes,” and an explication of the famous verses from the Dhammapada’s first chapter. With a question and answer period at the end.

Right Mindfulness, Wrong Mindfulness


From this talk: “When we observe from the Blue Sky point of view, this is true mindfulness.”

Topics covered include avoiding confusion between traditions, form and formlessness, true mindfulness, and the cloud of anxiety.

Meditation for Humanity


From this talk: “Meditation’s not a personal thing humanity itself, we should meditate to advance one step further. It means from the world of thinking mind. Now everywhere…we are already reaching the limit…[there are] so many environmental problems, so many psychological problems. So now humanity, as a race, we are already reaching some kind of dead end. But I think it’s very good. Extremely good. Why? Because if we reach a dead end, it means, a dead-end of one stage. The dead-end of thinking mind…Now we can say goodbye to all of these kinds of things. We can only say goodbye when things don’t work well. .”

Topics covered include the truth the Japanese discovered after the great 2011 earthquake and tsunami, attachment to thinking mind, and form and formlessness..

Finding Peace of Mind


From this talk: “We’ve been looking for peace of mind in completely the wrong place.”

Topics covered include getting to the point, moving from room A to B, and the true meaning of mindfulness.

Please feel free to discuss this week’s podcast below.

Living as Blue Sky

12/09/12   Bir, Himachal Pradesh, India

From this talk: “We are Blue Sky from the beginning, but with our thinking mind we couldn’t understand. Why? Because our thinking mind can understand only the world of form. Why? Because our thinking mind itself is form.”

Topics covered include remembering one’s original intention, the power of No and Yes, the pitfall of meditating with thinking mind, and Blue Sky, clouds, and identity. With a question and answer period at the end.

Meditation and True Mindfulness (video)

The view from the Blue Sky…. part of a talk given by Ven. Ryodo Yamashita on 12/18/2011 in Mumbai, India

To hear the rest of this talk, or to hear more One Dharma talks from Yamashita-sensei, please visit:

The One Dharma International Podcast is available at:…

We and They

Dharma Talk 12/03/11  New Delhi, India 

From this talk: “Before being whatever religion, you’re just a human being. You have a body, you have a mind, you have this reality. We have a heart, and sometimes it’s painful. Let’s come back to this reality itself.”

Topics covered include interdependence, connections with traditions and teachers, problems with mindfulness, and the meaning of One Dharma. There is chanting in Hindi at the beginning and a guided meditation during the second half of the podcast with Yamashita sensei’s One Dharma Method. Many of the ideas he outlines in the latter part of this talk are tied to what has become known as Buddhism 3.0 in Japan.
